About us

The history of our company

The history of the Madejski company dates back to 1995, when we started delivering products to industries such as automotive, agriculture, heavy industry, machinery production and construction.

Based on our experience and observations, we introduced the brand Grafen Professional, which is a response to the automotive market’s demand for the highest quality car chemistry. The priority of Madejski is quality and professionalism. Before introducing Grafen Professional products to the market, they were subjected to many studies and tests, and then a certification process was carried out.

In August 2010, the Det Norske Veritas certification body confirmed that the company’s Management System meets the requirements of ISO 9001: 2008.

Our own laboratory and specialized team of chemists creates specialized high-quality products that are used in the most demanding market of mechanical workshops as well as in many branches of industry.

Our products are a wide range of technical means defined as task-oriented, where the formulas are created in the direction of a specific demand. All products are exclusively own production. Each product is tested during the production process.

Processing of personal data

According to the regulation contained in the RODO  GDPR, we kindly inform that all information, rules and conditions for the processing of personal data are available for download here.

Due to the application, the Grafen Professional products are divided into the following groups:

  • Cosmetic chemistry
  • Workshop chemistry
  • Adhesives and sealants

the highest standards

a wide range of products

world class product

highest quality

Mapa świata

Our products have been sold on all continents for over 20 years.
In 2014, a distribution and sales center was established for Poland and Central and Eastern Europe at the headquarters of Madejski in Krakow.

Logo Madejski

Grafen Professional is part of
Madejski company